A tool for compassion

The Enneagram is largely known as a personality typology, and whilst it is that - I find it goes so much deeper than some more traditional tools. Myers-Briggs, for example, is useful for explaining how you process information, how you make decisions and what you might do (or should do) in certain circumstances. The Enneagram, however,  is helpful in explaining why you do these things. The fascinating thing about the enneagram is it reveals not just the personality that others see on the outside but the person we long to be on the inside. 

I (and others), describe the Enneagram as a tool of compassion. Compassion for yourself and for others. The dynamic nature of the Enneagram not only fosters self-awareness but also enhances interpersonal relationships, ultimately leading to more effective and impactful ventures. Here are five ways compassion can help you as an social entrepreneur or charity leader:

Compassion for yourself: The Enneagram helps individuals understand their own motivations, fears, and core personality traits. Understanding more of the ‘why’ in your behaviours can help you be kinder to yourself, particularly when it comes to your weaknesses and blind spots.  

Compassion toward others: The Enneagram provides insights into the different personality types and their tendencies. By understanding these, leaders can better empathize with the perspectives and needs of those they work with and for.

Compassionate self improvement: The Enneagram helps to identify areas for personal and professional growth. The dynamic nature of the Enneagram means you can explore and practice the traits of other types to aid development.

Compassionate organisational culture: By encouraging others to learn about the Enneagram and engage in self-reflection, leaders can create an environment where empathy and compassion are valued.

Compassionate empowerment: Change agents with a deeper understanding of human motivation, will create products, programmes and services designed to be more empowering and effective.

As someone who works in change management for impact organisations and start-up social entrepreneurs, the enneagram has been revolutionary to the way I view myself and those I work with. If you’d like to know more, please get in touch.


The gift of constraints